Monday, February 2, 2009
Our family has grown by yet 1 more too...another dog. We adopoted him from the animal shelter in Jeffersonville and we pick him up Friday. He has to have his surgery and micro-chip and all that jazz before he can join the Kane gang. Jak and Jonathan are going back and forth because jak wants to name him Boxer and he is not a boxer....he is a little bit of terrier, german shepherd, lab and border collie mix, how they know this I have NO CLUE! anyway, in my opinion, if Ashlyn can name her dog after a car, Mercades, then why can't he name his after a breed of dog.....hmmmm...I bet Jak wins...he has my vote!
Ok, so the wii, if you are looking to tone up or lose weight this is perfect!!! I don't have the wii fit boards and all that yet so we are just using the sports games. Boxing is painful! My whoole body just aches....and I got beat by a 5 year old. Something isn't right. I'll have to post pics of our miis because they are sooo cute! Jak looks just like him and I swear Ashlyn took a pic of herself and uploaded it lol....mine of course is slimmer and trimmer haha! Jonathan looks just like him too! The things that people come up with amaze me.
So just a little re-cap:
While everyone else had cabin fever because they were stuck inside, we went to mom and dads house, I helped shovel the parking lot at work and the kids got some major sledding time in! I was a little upset when the tanning bed was closed! I guess it is impossible to tan with no electric! Thank goodness they got it back after a day lol. I am getting toooo pale haha! Jonathan and our neighbor Jonathan have really bonded in the past week. Jonathan and his wife Kenua(sp?)(Ken-u-way is how it is pronounced) host Tuesday night bible studies at their house so Jonathan went and enjoyed hearing the word of God from all different prospectives. He has made great friends and enjoys the time they get to hang out. It was funny because he said that at one point they had to have a translator for Japanese and they all know how to speak it except my husband so they slowed down so he didn't get lost. They are truly great neighbors and we are blessed to be able to share God between us!!
Saturday we went to Chuck-E-cheese for a birthday party and there were more kids from Christian Academy and the neighbors!! Ashlyn and Jak were soooo excited! then I came home and started to shovel a spot to turn around in my driveway so I dont get stuck and then went to tan...when I got home more of my driveway was cleared...thanks to the Jonathans!! Life is good!
well, I am outta here..I am sitting here in what feels like an oven! The wood burning stove is unreal...I bet if I got up to see the temp it is at least 85 deg. in this living room...shew!
Blessings to all, and to all a good night haha!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Say what?!?
How may Kanes does it take to open a can of pre-cooked apples...MOM, you should be ashamed of yourself! just kidding
Her picture of a picture of Jak at moms
Yikes! her picture of me after cleaning alllllll day, ew!
Ashlyn and Preston who is now named Wilson, looooong story, his full name is actually Pete Odle preston Kane Wilson Denney.... don't ask lol
He even posed to so sis could take a pic of him!
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is fun, Jak was telling sissy how to do something I'm sure! She is still the bowling champ!
After Jonathan went to IHOP with some neighbors he joined us. Then, BJ brought over a girl that he is actually believed that she was real so we all stuck around to meet "her" lol. Yep shes real alright! And SUPER tall! She is going to college somewhere and plays volleyball. very Sweet girl, and cute too! We will see....
Dad said if he wouldve know that every saturday night he was going to have a house full of family he would've never gotten a wii...I corrected him and told him he would have done it a lot sooner ;-)
Catch up in picture from forever ago... and some posts :-)
Jak was the inn keeper in the school christmas program and Christian AcadamyMr. Micah Crouch was a little singing angel :-) he did sooo good!!
Ashlyn actually participated in her Christmas program this year by ringing bells and singing!! We were so proud!Ashlyn got rollerskates for Christmas and really did well her first time!!
Jak taught his papaw how to break dance at a wedding reception for our cousin in Illinois
I Lost 8 lbs and did a photo shoot of myself in our messy kitchen lol
Ashlyn and Jak fell asleep before midnight on the new year, sweet kiddos!
I FINALLY got a purse dog!! A lil Yorkiee poo named Preston, he attended Harvard and wears argile sweaters lol...Then I had to give him away because he hated jonathan and always peed on him (I have to take a second to laugh that one off!!) Luckily, he isn't far from me...I gave him to the best home a dog could ever have and that is with my mom :-)
Well, that is it for funny pics in my camera!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The way HE works!
Just so happend that it wasmy neighbors house! I didn't see anyone outside so I pull up (so fast I almost hit thier mail box) and notice that it is right in front of thier 5 year old Samuels room. I bang as hard as I can yelling "Get out, your house is on fire!!!" and their dad comes to the door...the odd thing about that is that he is supposed to work at night at the airport and he got to come home early. I was actually thankful because the woman is Japanese and I can't speak to her or understand all the time clearly. So He comes out and realizes that it is an electrical fire in their landscape lights- I told them to put the kids (Rebecca 4, Samuel 5) in my car because it is warm and will pul in the driveway so they are safe. They also have a young relative who is about 20 or so (I am guessing) staying with them from Japan so she stayed in the car while I call 911. In the meantime I go in thier house (which I have NEVER been in) and straight to the kitchen for a fire extuingisher and thats when everything went dark..I rushed out and Jonathan (the neighbor, not my husband...he had no idea what was going on)had thrown the breaker. So we bring the kids to our house and sit and chill with them on the couch until everything settles and the fire dept got there and done. BTW- these are 2 of the cutest kids!! they are well behaved, well mannered and just too cute so Jonathan and I (my husband) sit and enjoy thier company. Thier parents come over and tell us that the fire was caused by the landscaping timer that blew up..if I hadn't come at just that moment it could have been wayyyyy worse they said. They thanked me and told me that God was watching over their family and went home.
I called mom because she is like my calm side, she listens to me ramble and tells me what she the middle of her conversation we had to stop so she could praise her dog for pooping outside but I understood :-) Potty training is hard. She told me how proud she was of me and to just think, there are probably 2 parents laying in bed tonight thanking God for me.....That made me feel good.
The whole night I had trouble sleeping. I kept thinking, what if I had gone in the 20 min bed, what if I hadn't gone at all and stayed home and worked on my budget for my meeting wed....what if no one saw and Ashlyn's classmate and his family were hurt or even worse.....then I just thanked God for having placed me in the right place at the right time to help someone. Then I fell fast asleep.
It's funny how God works. You never question certain things but just know that he is working through you. I feel like God used me to save my fellow christian neighbors and that if it did nothing else, it made us closer.
I know it's been forever since I have blogged so this was one that I felt like sharing. Hope you got as much out of reading it as I did in living it.
God bless!
Monday, September 22, 2008
say a lil prayer
So, please remember me and Jak in your prayers for tomroow.
and for Ashlyn as she will be traveling on a field trip to the apple farm :-)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
uhm, yeah, that's MY boy!
The funny thing about Jak is that he is alllllll boy! He likes to play in dirt, eat dirt, roll around in the grass, catch bugs, go to baseball games etc. He is soooo a boy except when it comes to getting ready for school where he knows he will see ....RACHEL! He has the biggest "crush" and I put that in "" because he is my baby and doesn't know what "crush" means...anyhoo-When it comes time to get up and ready for school he wants to eat, dress himself in cool gear and fast shoes and then have mommy put his hair in a mow-hok(sp?) He thinks that he is just super cool-which he is- when I do his hair like that.
A few weeks ago he got up and got ready just like he does every morning that he has school and comes in with his Incredible Hulk shirt wanting his cool 'do' I say nooo problem Jak and pull out the pomade!!! I drop him off, he sees RACHEL (you have to hear him say it)smiles super big all the while putting his backpack over his shoulder, upside down, walking in to school looking Super Cool! I smile and shake my head and off to work.......
10:45 rolls around and I head back to pick him up.... He gets in the car with his super cool self, closes the door and we are off!! About 15 seconds into asking what he learned in school he informs me that it was school picture day.....grrrrreeeeeeeat! I say, all the while giggling in my head I say to myself "yep, thats my kid....yeah the one with the mo-howk and Incredible Hulk T!! Can't miss him!
My mother in law is going to kill me.....
on another note, he still smiles at Rachel when he sees her at church and at School ;-) and wants to be her friend...NOT GIRLFRIEND and play in her dirt pile.... 'cus she has won he says, weally!'
Re-takes are in a few weeks, if Judy Kills me please put him in a polo with his hair slicked to the side lol
Oh, and he goes in for surgery to get his tube taken out of his right ear on the 23rd. Please keep him in your prayers, he is a little scared about the procedure
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
pooooor Jak
Today was his first day at Junior Academy 4 at CAI and he woke up and started off the morning by being winey, I thought he was just tired. So I send him and Ashlyn off to school and told his teacher about the ear deal and to call me if he needs anything. SO...I picked him up from school and was in a major rush because I was supposed to be at the radio station to record a new spot and he kept saying that his tummy hurt because he was hungry. knowing Jonathan had only been off work for a few hours and needed some sleep we ran through burger king. He told me that he felt better since he ate as we were pullling in the driveway. We wallk inside and I am getting ready to walk out the door when he comes in and pukes.....AT MY FEET!!!! I scream and almost puke myself.....gross!
So we cleaned him up and get him all settled in watching tv and chillin with mommy as he says. He's been asking to go outside and play and help "Mr. Dale" fix our gutters outside and I keep telling him that he is too sick. He doesn't understand that you actually have to sit still lol!! I'm going to lead the kids in church tonight while Beth is at home ill so we will see how that goes....I hope they take it easy on me!!
Please pray for my lil man, he is so pitiful when hes sick and it breaks my heart!