Tim Allen punks you out at your own Yard Sale (thanks Tim)
Your mom asks if your computer is broke
and the list goes on.....
so Heres the recap-
Lots of stuff happening....just nothing fun or worth blogging I guess.
We were sitting outside on Friday and Ashlyn and Alexander kept asking to go say HI to some neighbor kids so I told them sure! I thought it would be a good time for them to make 3 new friends (all girls btw, JAK was psyched!) and give me an excuse to meet one of the neighbors. So the little girls come over to play and then we all end up over at the neighbors house standing outside talking....I guess I was paying too much attention to Debbie, my neighbor, and not JAK cause he sprayed me with the water hose. I WAS SOOOO MAD! It was freezing outside and I had already told him to put it down at least a dozen times (the youngest gal kept getting it out) so as I am trying to get away from the water he got me and my phone soaked! Needless to say, I have to make a trip to the Sprint store to get a new phone now. BOO! I love my phone but for some STUPID reason I didn't get the insurance on it (we did on Jonathans but not mine) so looks like its back to el-cheap-ol-no-fun-phone! oh well, it is what it is..
Saturday we had a BIG Scare! I was gone allll day with the yard sale and then had my massage at 5 so by the time I got home the kids were all about mommy! Well, Ashlyn kept wanting BJ to help her on the monkey bars and he was trying to show her how to do it and when he grabbed the 1st bar it broke in his hands! Great! Thats what we needed I thought. Then without even thinking she gets up to go on the 2nd bar and it breaks! She fell straight down and laned right on her back. I literally watched the whole thing happen and within seconds was at her side. Jonathan was over by the shed and he just heard her Trying to scream so he runs over, BJ was on the porch and saw me jump up and run so he runs over to see what happened and JAK is just standing there wondering what happened to his sister! It was horrific! She couldn't breathe so she couldn't calm down. Then she starts to turn blue around the lips.....I couldnt believe that I wasn't freaking out! By the end of the venture she was dipping marshmellows into chocolate ovaltine and talking about how bad her back was hurting. After some TLC, motrine and spongebob cartoons she fell fast asleep. It was so scary! The thing that got me was that after all this happened and she got cleaned up and ready for bed she asked to pray. So, held her tightly and we said a prayer and asked God to take the pain away and wrap his arms around her and protect her through the night. I love the fact that she has a relationship with God. It helps that she goes to CHristian Academy and Cubbies. I hope that every time she gets a boo boo she prays :-)
so, that was our weekend and the others are here and gone and I don't remember anything intresting that happened with the so enjoy pics from moms party at work!
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Glad you're back! :)
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