Monday, March 31, 2008

"joke joke"

ahhhh, the famous words of Brother Sonny Jones!!! I didn't lie (BETH!!!) .......I had, we all know I have issues but heres the story=

ok, so I did promise pics...I was sooo excited too update on all the new things!!

THEN I got home, got everything ready- meaning my sweet tea, camera, kiddos in bed, and Jonathan occupied for at least a 1/2 hour....went to plug in my camera to my laptop (because it doesn't have a port for the card) and my cord is long work.

so, here I am at work...working....actually blogging and watching mom work and listening to my machine run and as soon as I get my stuff caught up in graphics I am going to do some uploading...just don't tell mom....haha

Friday, March 28, 2008

wooooooo hooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I have remembered my password!!!! I promise that when I get home...since I am still at work....I will update my blog!!!! Instead of doing a bunch of different days I'll give months in review by pictures :-)

recap of this past week really fast:

Alicia works too much when Diane is out of town because her mom makes her ;-)

Ashlyn lost her first tooth on Easter!!! How lucky is she! the toothfairy and the easter bunny in 24 hours, sheesh!!!

We had to put down one of our cats today...I don't really like the cat....but I felt really bad!!! I was the one taking him to the vet and the whole way there he kept crying and I just kept telling him "Oh, Chubaka, you are sooooo silly, you will be home soon, they are just going to remove your manhood" then I would giggle.....then Jonathan tells me that he's not comming home....yeah, talk about guilt!! Turns out he has feline aids. He was a stray so we have no idea where he got it or if he was born with it or what. Just say a little prayer for out other cats: Trouble (my cat for almost 15 years), Billbo Baggins (Jonathan's other outside cat), Princess Baby Cleopatra...Cleo for short (ashlyn's inside cat), Mr. Spooks & Mr. Tinkles...our inside cats....we have to get them tested to ensure they are not infected or sick. wow....I'm turning into the old cat lady......yikes!!! Oh well, I am surrounded by love...espically when I bring them food!

Ashlyn is showing signs of getting the flu...PLEASE Pray!!!! I can't stand it when my babies are sick!!!

Jak is just as cute as ever!

Oh, and we now have pet salamanders......GROSS....o the things your husband will do to make your kiddos happy......I live in a zoo!!! lol

ok, so I am now going home so that I can spend time with my fam since I am starting to forget what they look like after working sooooooo much!!!!

I will post pics tonight!! PROMISE!