Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Jonathan and a sad day for mommy

So today the love of my life is 29! I think that he still acts like hes 20 sometimes but I guess that one day he will mature (hopefully!) If not, I'll still love him. It's hard to believe that we've been married for 7 years and have 2 kids a dog and way too many cats. I thank God for my family every day and still don't know how on earth I deserve to be so blessed. I have the most awesome kids- they are both smart, sweet, hilarious, caring, love the lord and are precious to me. A loving and compassionate husband who puts up with my bickering, demanding and sometimes selfishness and still loves me more each day....even though I have waaaay too many shoes (in his opinion) and steal half of his closet even though I have my own-when God put us together he knew what was going to happen and I am just so blessed to have been chosen to be Jonathans wife. I look back sometimes and think to myself, "jeeze I'm blessed!!" I also have the best parents in the world. When I was a kid I used to always make puke sounds when my dad would dance with my mom in the kitchen with no music and when they would be all kissy smoochy....and espically when he smacks her rear...that was the worst!! (sorry mom-thats what you get for being such a great role model)Now looking at them I am just amazed that two people can still be that much in love after this many years. I hope that Jonathan and I make Ashlyn and Jak want to make puke sounds when they are old enough to think that the other has cooties :-)

Onto the sad's a happy sad...weird, I know! Ashlyn started Kindergarten at Christian Academy today!!!! She has been saying that she doesn't want to go to kindergarten and school and wear uniforms and bows but last night I asked her what she wanted to eat for breakfast-she chose home made muffins- and then when I asked her which uniform and shoes and bows she was alllllll about it. Before bed last night we said our prayers and asked Jesus to watch over Ashlyn since she gets shy at times and to lead and guide her and he was listening!! Ashlyn had a great day and is excited about going back tomorrow, she wouldn't even look at her teacher Ms. Allison when we went to orientation and she told me that she even talked to her teacher....let's hope shes this excited when its high school!

Here are her first day of kindergarten pics, Mercades had to be a part too....the pictures were before Mercades decided to jump on Ashlyn and get mud on her blouse...we got her cleaned up and ready and were still early...I about had a heart attack when I looked at the clock in the car and we were pulling out of the driveway at 7:32...I am ALWAYS late!

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